Switching to Bazaar (bzr)

Colin Ogilvie bugzilla at colinogilvie.co.uk
Sun Dec 21 21:13:17 UTC 2008

On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 13:05:20 -0800, Max Kanat-Alexander
<mkanat at bugzilla.org> wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 20:52:08 +0000 Colin Ogilvie
> <bugzilla at colinogilvie.co.uk> wrote:
>> Serious comment - why move to BZR instead of Mercurial, which (I
>> think is what) the other Mozilla projects appear to be moving to?
> 	The question's been asked a few times in this thread.
> http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrVsHg is a fairly good explanation of some of
> the advantages of Bzr over Hg. There are also other advantages not
> listed there.

How many of those are actually relevant to the Bugzilla project though?

Also, what other VCSs have been discussed other than Bzr and why were 
they discounted?

> 	Or possibly run by MoCo. I'd be OK with that. reed talked to me
> about it today, it's a possibility.
> 	VCS systems don't really require that much administration,
> though, particularly for a project of our size.

Nope, but if they go down or theres some sort of corruption etc. it's 
best not to have a SPOF... the more extreme example is you get hit by a 
bus or something, not that we'd want that to happen!


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