String Changes on Branches

Vitaly Fedrushkov fedrushkov at
Thu Aug 28 17:44:51 UTC 2008

Marc Schumann wrote:
> Actually, if it's about localizers, the point would rather be
> "template change" instead of "string change". 

> Changes in parts with a lot of code and interspersed language,
> potentially in need of translation (e.g. "Reply" in script for comment
> reply link), is usually "tricky" -- I need to catch changed language
> while ignoring code changes already successfully merged by CVS.
> Broad changes in indentation (e.g. because of an additional outer loop
> or something) are generally "tricky" -- huge diff; need to find out
> whether there's content changes interspersed; huge conflicted area.

I quite agree with Marc: with 3.2rc1, admin/products/updated.html.tmpl 
had no text changes, but still required manual merge.

Alas there is almost no way to avoid such changes with current technology.

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