Problem with Bugzilla 3.0 and Firefox

Dave Williss dwilliss at
Tue May 29 14:06:15 UTC 2007

After upgrading to bugzilla 3.0, Firefox users have complained that 
sometimes the page is "messed up".  At first, we attributed this to 
having cached the old css file, and clearing the cache fixed most of the 
issues.  There is, however, one issue that remains.

After submitting changes to a bug, the "People" section *sometimes* 
overlaps the "Details" section by about an inch.  I'm not sure if this 
is a problem with Bugzilla or Firefox.  Except for title and the 
"Changes submitted" section, the pages look like they should be 
identical.  Examining a diff of the two pages seems to confirm that.  
The only difference in the html after the "Bug List" line is a URL at 
the bottom.

Dave Williss
Software Engineer
MicroImages, Inc.

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