Using Bugzilla to hide spam sites

Christopher Hicks chicks at
Mon May 14 11:51:01 UTC 2007

On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 12:38:19PM +0100, Aaron Trevena wrote:
> On 14/05/07, Julien BETI <julien.beti at> wrote:
> >Checking the attachment content will be somehow very difficult to
> >implement, that's for sure.
> Definately - that's an arms race you can't win, only mitigate the damage 
> from.

Arms races are unwinnable, but sometimes its the only practical solution.  Checking URL's in attachments against the various spam URL databases would seem harmless and take care of most of the problem for a little while.  It won't win any races, but if it puts us ahead for a lap or two, so be it.

MailScanner does this, its written in Perl, and it should be easy to make it optionally integratable in bugzilla.  :)


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