YUI 2.4.0

Mads Bondo Dydensborg mbd at dbc.dk
Fri Dec 7 19:35:39 UTC 2007

fredag 07 December 2007 skrev Max Kanat-Alexander:

> > On a further note, I agree that having the SVG graphs would be a big
> > bonus and that we shouldn't be beholden to older, none Flash browsers
> > and devices. It shouldn't be that hard to degrade gracefully.
> 	If you want to look into it and then promise that you'll
> maintain the code as time goes on, I'd be interested to know of any
> reliable way of generating nice SVG graphs and converting them into
> something that can be displayed to the user.

2 cents: "generate svg graphs" on google gives several hits. As does "convert 
svg png".

I have no idea if it is easier than gd, but SVG support has really been taking 
of these last years. We use it internally to create pdf from xml, going from 
xml to svg, then to pdf (using inkscape).



Med venlig hilsen/Regards

Systemudvikler/Systemsdeveloper cand.scient.dat, Ph.d., Mads Bondo Dydensborg
Dansk BiblioteksCenter A/S, Tempovej 7-11, 2750 Ballerup, Tlf. +45 44 86 77 34

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