Bugzilla @ MySQL Conference - booth report

Jochen Wiedmann jochen.wiedmann at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 20:24:37 UTC 2007

On 4/27/07, Myk Melez <myk at mozilla.org> wrote:

>  I wonder if it would be useful to provide a bundle of these modules that
> one can drop into one's Bugzilla root directory for folks who don't have
> root access to add modules (or for whom doing so is troublesome).

Yes, that would be really helpful. The obvious problem is maintenance, though.


My cats know that I am a loser who goes out for hunting every day
without ever returning as much as a single mouse. Fortunately, I've
got a wife who's a real champ: She leaves the house and returns within
half an hour, carrying whole bags full of meal.

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