UI for editing workflow

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Fri Apr 13 08:48:57 UTC 2007

Benton, Kevin wrote:
> I'm just thinking out loud here, but I don't see why we have to separate the two.

I think that if someone were to decide to implement a new workflow, they 
would undoubtedly design it on paper first, perhaps starting with a 
printout of the old one. (We can't provide tools that are better for 
this task than paper is.) Once they'd done that, they need to implement 
it in Bugzilla.

It seems reasonable to me that this implementation would or could 
consist of two stages - define the states you need, then define the 
transitions between those states. An advantage of this is that we 
already have UI that admins understand for defining lists of things like 
resolutions, priorities and so on.

The reason not to do it all on one page is that a combined UI would be 
harder to understand than two separate UIs. Just looking at what you 
suggested - if you switch a state from being an open state to a closed 
state, what happens? Does it move from the top section to the bottom 
section, along with all its checkboxes?

> Actually, it takes a conscious effort to reformat emails like this. I
> would gladly use Thunderbird if Lightning actually worked (didn't remind
> me at the wrong time & date for my appointments), but we've digressed...

Are there no howtos on the web about making Outlook a better email citizen?


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