Bugzilla Extensions/Hooks Mechanism (was Re: UI module owner)

Zach Lipton zach at zachlipton.com
Wed Jun 28 20:12:38 UTC 2006

On Jun 28, 2006, at 12:04 PM, Gervase Markham wrote:
> We have a hooks mechanism exactly for this - did they ask for any? Or
> put in their own, for that matter?

I get the sense in this discussion that a lot of folks don't know  
about the extensions mechanism that we have. Bugzilla provides a way  
for installations to drop into hooks in both templates and code.  
Modifications can be packaged up as extensions, which get live in a  
single directory (bugzilla/extensions/extension_name). Since  
extensions contain code and template customizations, they may require  
updating to work with newer versions of Bugzilla, but they avoid the  
need for the patch management and conflicts that occur when making  
modifications directly to Bugzilla source. Extensions can be used for  
simple local customizations, or for more advanced needs, such as  
integration with testcase management, SCM tools, etc...

The system is documented at http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/tip/html/ 
cust-hooks.html. Information about template hooks in general is  
available at http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/tip/html/cust-templates.html.

Right now, there aren't very many code hooks in the code at all, but  
extension developers can easily request them and they will be added  
to the source.


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