UI module owner

timeless timeless at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 11:39:19 UTC 2006

Gerv wrote:
> Do any of the people find it this problem ever click the "Give me some
> help" link at the top of the page?

I've never seen or heard of anyone clicking it. But let's pretend I did.

Zero, there's no What's This widget by that link, so I'd never click it.
First, there's no hint as to which things have help, so I don't know
what I can hover over, simply using dotted or doubled underlines would
help (alternatively offering whats this hover anchors would also

Second, here's the actual help text for that box:

Specify the start and end dates either in YYYY-MM-DD format
(optionally followed by HH:mm, in 24 hour clock), or in relative
dates such as 1d, 2w, 3m, 4y, which respectively mean one day,
two weeks, three months, or four years ago. 0d is last midnight,
and 0w, 0m, 0y is the beginning of this week, month, or year.

What part of this says to use -2m or -2w or -*ANYTHING* if you want to
go backwards?!

> If not, why not - because they didn't notice it?
> Because they didn't think it would help?

Having used it once, I can assure you, I'd never use it again, it's
barely more helpful than a Unix document. Even Microsoft help which
people love to complain about is considerably better. Especially given
that the number one search anyone ever wants to do is something like

The problem here is that we don't give people examples or walk through
documents for using our features. If you show anyone how to use these
features it becomes instantly intuitive and they'll remember and use
it (ask smaug, I showed him over the weekend), but no one will guess.

> If they do, did they figure out how the help system worked?

This is "First" in my list

> Did they get the info from hovering over the Date boxes?

> Was it sufficient?

This is "Second" in my list.

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