UI module owner

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Mon Jun 26 09:32:27 UTC 2006

byron wrote:
>> http://landfill.bugzilla.org/tabbededitbug/show_bug.cgi?id=1
>> What problem is this change trying to solve?
> Bluntly: Bugzilla is ugly.  I'm trying to make it prettier.
> By splitting the page into tabs it gives us the room to layout the
> sections in a way that's clear instead of having to squeeze it into the
> space that currently exists.

You realise these two paragraphs are entirely different motivations? The
first is an argument from aesthetics; the second is an argument from
usability. Taking the usability argument:

A web page has an infinite amount of space available; you just keep
going down the page. So presumably you have an extra, implicit
constraint "and keep it all within the size of a single screenful"? If
so, why is that a constraint?

- Why is the current layout "unclear"?
- Why does a new "clear" layout need more room than an unclear layout?
That is to say, what makes you think that lack of whitespace separation
between the fields is the cause of the unclarity?
- Why did you choose tabs rather than e.g. collapsible sections, or
role-based style sheets which hide some of the fields?

I suggest (although, as I've said in other messages, we'd need some
metrics) that the tabs would be a major usability decrease, because
people would be endlessly switching tabs to try and take in an overall
view of the state of the bug.

Did you consider the workflows of different types of Bugzilla user when
deciding how many tabs to have, and which fields to put on each?


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