Bugzilla Developer Meetings (was: RE: New Bugzilla Roadmap)

Luis Villa luis.villa at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 22:52:39 UTC 2006

I strongly suggest Ubuntu's solution, which is pick a time/date, do
the meeting (with logging, etc.) then do it six hours later the next
week, six hour later the next week, so on (all on the same day) so
that every four weeks someone is really, badly hosed, but everyone
gets hosed equally.


On 1/25/06, Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm potentially available for such a meeting between 17:00 and 23:00 GMT...
> That would be great for me too.
> >
> > Considering the wide variety of time zones, I wonder if it doesn't make sense to have a number of meetings, once a month on a rotating basis, such as maybe the first Tuesday of the month, then we could have three or four meetings (one every 6-8 hours) that day giving us the ability to attend one that best suits our time needs.  I would hope that someone would be willing to take notes and publish a summary for each...  I would also hope that one person from each earlier meeting would commit to attending the next to pass on info.
> I'm not sure that having 3-4 meetings the same day is a good idea. We
> should probably choose a day of the week/hour which is the most
> convenient for everyone, and for those who cannot attend, we could
> probably have logbot in the channel (#bugzilla-meeting or something like
> that) which records everything and we could ask glob if he agrees to
> make the log file available using his website, for instance.
> With logbot or not, one of us should also write a small report which
> could be sent to developers@ or be posted somewhere on bugzilla.org.
> LpSolit
> -
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