UI change for editing groups and products

Joel Peshkin bugreport at peshkin.net
Mon Sep 19 14:15:33 UTC 2005

I am considering a change to the behvior of editproducts and editgroups 
and I would like some input before starting this.

For sites with etremely large lists of products and groups, the 
editproducts and editgroups initial selection pages are unmanagably 
long.  At the same time, for small sites, I think we want to take users 
directly to the full list of products/groups.

I think we have the following options....
1) If there are more than THRESHOLD (50?) items in the list, show the 
first 50 and a text box similar to the one in editusers to select a 
subset by regexp.

2) If there are more than THRESHOLD (50?) items in the list, show the 
first 50 and a set of hyperlinks to other groups of 50 (like mailman 
does...     So, we show from aacme to beowulf, and there is a link to 
"show from bugzilla to gcc")

3) Prompt for a regexp just like editusers does today.

For any of these options, should THRESHOLD be a param?  A userpref?

Any other suggestions?


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