E-mail notification of new attachments

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Fri Mar 25 19:18:15 UTC 2005

Sean McAfee wrote:
> if ($difftext eq "" && $newcomments eq "") { return; }
> How this condition gets met, though, is proving difficult to determine.  So,
> I'm punting to the list and hoping someone more familiar with the BugMail
> guts can explain what's happening more quickly.

Having just rewritten them in bug 73665, I'm fairly familiar with them 
:-) $difftext is the text to go in mails containing the differences in 
the bug. Attachment fields aren't included. $newcomments are the new 
comments. So both of these will be empty for your change.

This line is there as a sanity check to stop mail getting sent when no 
actual changes have been made. I don't know what the side effects would 
be if you removed it - try it and see if anyone gets blank "change" 
emails from Bugzilla.


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