UI hackathon proposal

Myk Melez myk at mozilla.org
Tue Mar 15 02:30:06 UTC 2005

Myk Melez wrote:

> I'd like to accelerate improvements to the Bugzilla user interface 
> with weekly UI hackathons over the next couple of months.

Based on responses I've received so far, it looks like Friday's the best 
day for these.  The trunk closes tomorrow and stays that way until 
2.20rc1 gets released in a couple of weeks.  We'll hold the first 
hackathon the first Friday after it opens back up (barring unforeseen 
scheduling conflicts).

In the meantime, we have to pick a component to tackle first: home, 
search, search results, show bug, or the site navigation.  I'd like to 
start with a simpler page to make the process easier while we're working 
it out, perhaps search, which has already received heavy UI 
optimization.  Suggestions welcome.


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