regarding date display

Paulo Casanova paulo.casanova at
Fri Mar 4 18:54:24 UTC 2005

OK, so you've got a custom field and have created a new field in the bug 
entry template, right?

You have a few choices here, but I'll put the first two that come to my 
mind :)

1. You generate the default date in the CGI that generates your page 
(enter_bug.cgi, I'll assume) and place in your template.
Say you'll have today's date in variable $mydate. Place a line with
$vars->{'today_date'} = $mydate;
near the other $vars->xxx declarations
In the template, just use the variable:
<input type="text" name="myfieldname" value="[% today_date %]">

This is only useful if, for some reason, you might want to change the 
default date dynamically.

2. You fill in the text field directly in the template (probably the 
<input type="text" name="myfieldname" value="[% 
function_that_returns_date() %]">

There are probably 1m ways to get the current date in an unimaginable 
bunch of formats but I guess you're problem is not getting the date. You 
can just call in any function between [% %] in the templates. The 
function gets evaluated and its result is placed in the template.

I'm assuming your field is editable but if it's not, just ignore the <> 
stuff :) like:
My text in the enter bug page
Here is todays's date: [% my_date %]

Hope it helps,

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