Bugzilla T-Shirt

Joel Peshkin bugreport at peshkin.net
Sun Jul 17 03:57:21 UTC 2005

Zach Lipton wrote:

> I agree that a polo would be nice (not that I often find myself in  
> situations where a Bugzilla polo would be appropriate but a t-shirt  
> would not ;). Marcia said that the store is going to be starting with  
> a T-Shirt though, and that we can investigate a polo and other  
> offerings once the shirt is done. Polos cost more then shirts and  
> presumably don't sell as well, so I think she wants to get going with  
> the shirt first.
> --zach

I could be willing to seed this with an order for enough of the polos 
(12 or so) to get over that hump.  If you publish the proposed shirt 
details and pricing, I'll look at what it takes to pre-order enough to 
get that started.


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