Custom fields schema

Luis Villa luis.villa at
Fri Jan 28 18:21:24 UTC 2005

On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 11:08:21 -0700, Kevin Benton <kevin.benton at> wrote:
> I am writing statuscount.cgi - a completely new reporting package for
> Bugzilla to show my management the information they need out of Bugzilla to
> help them effectively direct development.  I expect this report will be run
> about one to five times a week.  This report currently executes eight
> distinct queries of which six are complex.  So, if the queries are running
> an average of 50+ seconds each first-time, it's going to take on the order
> of five to six minutes for the manager to get the information they're
> looking for.  That will prevent my managers from using my reports.  On the
> other hand, if my report takes less than ten seconds, I will be doing okay.
> When I'm reasonably close to being done with this reporting software, I will
> release it to the Bugzilla community.  I've already got at least two non-AMD
> testers evaluating it for me now.

(1) We've found that for excessively complex queries, generating them
in cron and dumping them as HTML is useful. That is just the
unfortunate reality at times.

(2) GNOME would love to help you evaluate it as well :)


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