Future of this list

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Fri Dec 23 10:49:16 UTC 2005

Christopher Hicks wrote:
> Was any consideration given to an intermidiate sort of list/group?  We 
> have a lot of folks who aren't developers of bugzilla itself and don't 
> intend to be who have questions that are more code-oriented.  Given that 
> code confuses many sadly (so it should be minimized in the support area) 
> and the developers list should be focused on general issues and isn't 
> the ideal place to deal with support stuff, having another group in 
> between might be good.

I think we'd just end up having more "discussions" about which questions 
belonged in which group :-)

If someone is managing Bugzilla and so confused by code that they refuse 
to take part in a forum where it's quoted, they have bigger problems 
than not being able to get support :-)


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