What do we do about 2.18?

Jouni Heikniemi jth at mikrobitti.fi
Sun May 30 07:58:37 UTC 2004

On Sun, 30 May 2004, David Miller wrote:

> So, that leaves us with a decision now.  We either get as many folks to
> help as possible to kill off the last blockers, or we branch now and
> forget about waiting for an RC before we branch.  Personally I'd really
> like to see 2.18 out sooner than later, which makes me want to continue
> to hold the branch hostage...

Let's proceed as you've already planned. With some good luck, we should be
in far better shape when you're back from your vacation.

> "View All" attachment statuses field empty
> => http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=223541
> Status: This is a small UI tweak, polish issue.  Should be really easy
> if someone wants to tackle it.  Data in question should be available to
> the template already, the template just needs to reference it properly.

I'll get this.

> Flag system dies when changing a deleted flag
> => http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=223878
> Status: Needs a patch.  Problem seems to have been identified in the bug
> comments, but no one has written a patch to fix it yet.  Best fix is
> probably to find some way to make flag IDs unique so they never get
> reused (auto_increment?), and add the flag type to a hidden field in the
> form so it knows what to do if it encounters one that's been deleted.

This is the former nuclear collision. I've debugged it (as can be seen in
the bug) and I can also patch it, but we need a consensus on how to do
that... As we've discussed in IRC, I'm not convinced on just having
auto_increments; I'd prefer not deleting stuff at all. But I'll
resummarize in the bug soon. Myk's opinion would be valuable, since he's
the man behind the flags. Give me a couple of hours to come up with some


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