multiple instance of bugzilla

Boris Baldassari boris at
Tue Mar 30 14:56:03 UTC 2004


> Nothing you have said would be helped by running multiple bugzilla
> instances.  Running multiple instances is something I suggest you treat
> as a last resort.  Instead of running multiple bugzillas, you can use a
> distinct product for each type of record and even customize the
> templates to change terminology on a per-product basis.

this is not a matter of terminology. what i call lifecycle is the
succession of statuses (such as new, approved, fixed, validated, etc.) and
transition between them.

> If there is something that you think can be done in multiple instances
> but not in a single instance, please mention it here.  I do not think
> such a thing exists.
having multiple lifecycle. for example, for one type of record, you have:
new -> open -> fixed

and for another type of record you have:
new -> assigned -> open -> fixed -> approved
                \-> rejected -> closed

or whatever (and usually far more complex) other statuses and transitions.
i believe this can't be achieved in bugzilla without multiple instances
running (one same or different server(s)), each having it's own lifecycle
(and type of record).

Boris Baldassari

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