On Scmbug

Dave Swegen dswegen at software.plasmon.com
Fri Jun 18 11:45:42 UTC 2004

On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 11:28:14PM -0700, Mark Reibert wrote:
> So, what does this mean for our hypothetical bz API? Well, we definitely
> need functions like AddComment(), GetBugOwner(), GetBugState(), etc.,
> but we do not want something like SCVCUsername_To_BugzillaUsername().
> This is integration glue stuff - if the glue needs to translate user
> names then it is the responsibility of the glue to manage the mapping.

I have to disagree with this: As I mentioned before in a previous mail,
not having the mapping in the bugtracker scales very poorly. If you have
any idea on how to work around that using a third party utility I'd be
interested to hear it.


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