Bugzilla CSS plan

Gervase Markham gerv at mozilla.org
Sat Jul 24 17:31:07 UTC 2004

Myk Melez wrote:
> Finally, I should note that while YAGNI and KISS are fine principles and 
> guide my proposal as well, we've had good luck in the Bugzilla community 
> with discussions over how to organize files and directories so that they 
> work well for the future.  Our template directory structure, f.e. isn't 
> as simple as it can be, but it is as simple as it can be while still 
> supporting the features we wanted Bugzilla to have (like localization, 
> customization, and hooks) and which have proven valuable to Bugzilla 
> installations.  We've changed things a few times and moved files around, 
> but not as much as we would have had to if we hadn't thought these 
> things through first.
> There's always some tension between acting on the present and preparing 
> for the future, and I tend to focus on the present, but occasionally 
> it's useful to consider the future implications of present actions and 
> prepare accordingly, especially when there's code on a collision course, 
> as is the case with our current customizability and skinnability work.


It's not right to apply the YAGNI principle to things which we probably 
are going to need, given that people have asked for them and others want 
to do them.

Our current template organisation was the result of a week of 
discussion, a trial period, another week of discussion, and one big move 
to fix the problems revealed by experience. It doesn't seem to me (given 
that this is 2.19 work and so has no immediate deadline) that there's 
any justification for not spending as much elapsed time thinking about 
the right way to do this as well - and we then might not require even 
one big move later.

Measure twice, cut once.


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