Bugzilla CSS plan

Ludovic Dubost ludovic at pobox.com
Fri Jul 23 06:51:43 UTC 2004

Vitaly a écrit :

> Ludovic Dubost wrote:
>> One thing that could be interesting is to link the use of a non 
>> default CSS directory to a non default Template directory.. Sometimes 
>> skins need to have modifications in the templates.
> We are trying to provide such generalized markup that does not require
> modification for skinning.
I understand that... It's a great gool.. but it is not that easy to 
achieve.. Some people at some point will want to  create skins that need 
some slight modifications of the templates.. And sometimes these 
modifications would be uncompatible with other skins (which means you 
can't have both skin working out of the same template).

The typical case would be if you need to move the order of the div 
blocks to be able to get more flexibility for placing the block where 
you want without having to use CSS absolute positioning..
Now the templates can provide some "ifs" for the most common cases of 
block order (bugzilla actions at the top or at the bottom), but still, 
allowing flexibility is good..


Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://www.ludovic.org/blog/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.org
AIM: nvludo Yahoo: ludovic

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