Proposal for Abstraction Layer for Modifications in

Maxwell Kanat-Alexander mkanat at
Tue Jul 6 18:23:59 UTC 2004

> 1. new_bug() - creates an Bug object; does not update the database
> 2. set_field(), set_flags() and so on
> 3. set_defaults_for_missing_fields() (or some shorter name) that sets default
>    values for things like assigned_to if they have not been specified in the
>    form.
> 4. commit() - updates the database, i.e. allocates a new bug number and writes
>    everything into the correct tables.

	OK, sounds good. In case we ever go fully object-oriented with
Bugzilla, I think when you create a bug it should have a flag called
"comitted" that lets us know if it's actually in the DB or not. Of
course, this could already be there, and I could just be unaware of it.


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