[Analysis] Templates: The good, the bad, the ugly

Christopher Hicks chicks at chicks.net
Wed Dec 8 14:50:40 UTC 2004

On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Jake wrote:

> It's entirely possible that after a round of discussion we would have 
> came to right where we are now (eg, using the Template Toolkit).

Agreed.  My vote would be for Apache::ASP over TT, but TT would obviously 
have been a contender because of its popularity if not because of its 
elegance.  :)  Mason and HTML::Template would probably round out the real 

> All I was suggesting here is that it would have been nice to have had 
> that discussion *before* anything went in.

Lack of discussion isn't generally a problem in these parts.  TT is sort 
of an obvious choice on a few levels so the lack of discussion may have 
just been because folks agreed it was a good choice/direction.  I've made 
the same "mistake" and I still maintain apps using it so I 
certainly sympathise.

> I actually find it kinda funny that out of everything I said, this is 
> the only part that got any response...  :)

That means we agreed with the rest of it, right?  And I respnded to every 
last word this time.  :)


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