Absolute values as opposed to references

Myk Melez myk at mozilla.org
Tue May 20 17:15:12 UTC 2003

Jordi Bunster wrote:

> Is there any reason in particular why certain things are static, such 
> as the Operating system in a bug?

No reason, that's just the way it was done long ago, and we haven't had 
a need to change it yet (like we did with products and components).

> Also, is there any particular policy that dictates that a bug 
> description should not be changed, as opposed to just adding comments?

No policy, just practice.  There's a bug on changing it which has been 
open for a while and received a lot of debate, but no one has taken it 
and driven a fix (or marked it WONTFIX), so it's still an open question.


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