more flexibility?...

Jason Pyeron jason at
Wed Jul 23 16:07:10 UTC 2003


In my morning meeting we were talking about storage of finite-state 
automata in a RDBMS / XML setting. This got me thinking about how bugzilla 
has "hardcoded" status and status change rules.

How receptive would the community be to storing these rules in the 
database? This could lead to a more versatile Bugzilla, since new states 
could be added with rules (w/o hacking code)


Jason Pyeron


-                                                               -
- Jason Pyeron            -
- Owner & Lead                  Pyerotechnics Development, Inc. -
-                               500 West University Parkway #1S -
- +1 (410) 808-6646             Baltimore, Maryland  21210-3253 -
-                                                               -

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