need help in bugzilla installation

Abellera, Jamie jamie.abellera at
Thu Jul 17 00:41:33 UTC 2003

I need help in installing Bugzilla in Linux.  These are the highlights of
what I've done:

	1) for mySQL Database:  
		- mysql is in the directory /usr/local/mysql with root as
user and bugzilla as password
		- I made a database called bugz
		- I granted select, insert, update, delete, index, alter,
create, drop and references privileges on bugz.* to root at localhost
identified by 'bugzilla' password

	2) for Perl:
		- I installed perl modules, Bundle::Bugzilla (minimum
version) in /var/www/bugzilla
		- I changed some configurations in the localconfig file:
			$index.html = 1

			$mysqlpath = "/usr/bin"
			$db_host - "localhost"
			$db_port = 3306
			$db_name = "bugz"
			$db_user = "root"
			$db_pass = 'bugzilla'
		- when I run the in the bugzilla directory,
everything seems alright - mySQL tables were created and all perl modules
were found.

	3) for Apache Server
		- Apache is in /etc/httpd
		- I changed some setting in the httpd.conf file: 
			Listen 8080  		//I changed this because I'm
getting an error that 80, the default port, is already in use
			DocumentRoot "/var/www/bugzilla"
			<Directory />
				Options FollowSymLinks
				AllowOverride None
			<Directory "/var/www/bugzilla">
				Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
				AllowOverride None
				Order allow, deny
				Allow from all
			ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin"
			<Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin">
				AllowOverride None
				Options None
				Order allow, deny
				Allow from all
			NOTE that the User and Group in this file are both

		- in the console, I started Apache and it was running ok
		- in the Mozilla browser, I was able to see the test page of
Apache before which means that the server was running.  However, I cannot
see the bugzilla 			homepage when I go to
http://localhost:8080/bugzilla/.  I always get the Object Not Found error.
How do I access the bugzilla homepage?
		- I've been experimenting and tried to reinstall the
modules... now, I am getting an Access Forbidden error when I go to
http://localhost:8080 and test 			Apache.  I assume it is a
permission error.  How do I fix this? 
		- note that for the bugzilla directory tags in httpd.conf, I
also tried it without the FollowSymLinks option.  I still get the same

	I would appreciate any help from you guys.  


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