84876 Returns!

J. Paul Reed preed at sigkill.com
Sat Jul 12 09:44:39 UTC 2003


That's right, that venerable MTA bug we all hate-to-love and love-to-hate
has had my latest uber-patch posted to it. And this time, it's a patch I
think everyone can love... even Gerv! ;-)

This patch is the result of about a month of general thinking about how to
go about handling this architecture, given all the issues raised in all
those "festive" email threads and the bug itself. I went through all of
that stuff at least once... some of it twice, plus through all the
currently open Email Notification module bugs to make sure that the patch
that's been presented for your reviewing pleasure meets, or at least
intelligently addresses those issues and pending bugs.

Due to the architectural changes (and all of this pondering), this patch 
for bug 84876 also happens to directly fix bugs 87801, 126151, 100089,
178370, 148147 and indirectly (via templatization or other architectural
changes) fixes bugs 70710, 73330, 94293. The following bugs would be a
cinch to fix now: 110692 and 137261.

I'll be requesting reviews from a couple of specific reviewers, but if
you're interested in this patch, it could use a pair of eyes from
Win32-ers, people familiar with the Bugzilla::Flag stuff, and, of course,
lots of user testing.

This patch is running on http://landfill.bugzilla.org/preed/bugzilla/;
please feel free to grab an account and mess around with things.

A few notes when reviewing/testing:

-- Be gentle on my TT work; I probably did some stupid things, since this
is the first time I've done hardcore TT development; there's probably even
some blatant bugs in there, so hopefully a TT guru can pour over that.

-- CC: doesn't work yet; I was going to fix this later, but it turns out
that Bugzilla::Flag uses it, so that's broken for now, but the second
version of the patch (which will invariably follow) will have a fix. I
already have a plan to fix it anyway...

-- Speaking of Bugzilla::Flag, that's some funky TT work in there; I'll
definitely want whomever wrote those templates (or is familiar with that
code) to take a gander to make sure I got it all right.

-- Some template files have been deleted; this is because they were
templates for sending email, but were in other directories; for ease of
development and sanity, all BZ email templates are now in
template/en/default/email (or whatever's appropriate to the localization).

-- Caching of Net::SMTP handles; yes, I'm going to do this; no it's not in
there yet. I'll probably cache them via the Bugzilla instance object.

-- I didn't do an extensive amount of testing with attachment and such;
the email might look a bit funky.

Other than that, questions/concerns whatever can be addressed to the
bug/reviewing process that will hopefully get underway so this patch
doesn't bitrot for *another* eight months.

J. Paul Reed -- 0xDF8708F8 || preed at sigkill.com || web.sigkill.com/preed
To hold on to sanity too tight is insane.   -- Nick Falzone, Pushing Tin

I use PGP; you should use PGP too... if only to piss off John Ashcroft

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