Bugzilla as a task management tool

Yannick Koehler yannick.koehler at colubris.com
Fri Jul 11 12:16:32 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

> Christopher Hicks wrote:
> >Bugzilla is really close to being very good as a task management tool,
> >project management tool, and a technical support ticket system.  It's
> >being used as such by many folks.  What's missing?
> >
> >- the idea of bugs within bugs.  While bugzilla's bug dependancies can be
> >used to simulate tasks and subtasks it would often make more intuitive
> >sense to have tasks within a bug that can be added and completed.
> >
> >- I use bugzilla for my personal todo list.  The aforementioned
> >functionality would make that process much easier.  Being able to print
> >out a list of bugs prioritized and showing the open tasks associated with
> >each would be phenomenal.
> >
> >- Tasks within a bug could be tracked in the database as if they were
> >bugs, but have a flag that indicates they're a task instead of a bug.
> Instead of modifying the database schema, use dependencies (i.e. bugs
> dependent on a parent are subtasks, other bugs are tasks).  Then, hack
> the UI (and Perl code when necessary) to provide a subtask
> creation/deletion interface inside "show bug", and hack the dependency
> tree to give you your prioritized list of tasks with subtasks.  You
> don't need database modifications to do this; you just need to optimize
> the UI for your particular application.
> -myk

And if you do hack it all, release as patch and submit to all, people will use 
it and then bugzilla developer will understand that this is what Bugzilla 
user need and at some point in time will be force to integrate or support 
this concept.

- -- 

Yannick Koehler
Software Designer - Colubris Networks Inc.

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