bugzilla wishlist

Jon Wilmoth JWilmoth at starbucks.com
Thu Jul 10 21:37:13 UTC 2003

The "what" you describe is an existing enhancement request
The customizable "my bugs" query exists already.  The params page
defines the query used by default, but you can always edit your own to
different search criteria by choosing the edit link on the search
results page.  Alternatively you could simply create a new saved query.

I believe the desire is to use either this mailing list or the B.M.O.
site as the communication mechanism, so I'd be surprised if people
outside of your organization edited your twiki page.

-----Original Message-----
From: Harlan Stenn [mailto:stenn at whimsy.udel.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 12:35 PM
To: developers at bugzilla.org
Subject: bugzilla wishlist


We recently started using bugzilla for ntp.org .

I'm the release engineer for the project and let's just say there are
Constraints as to how I have to work.

I have a list of ideas that I'd like to see implemented in bugzilla - I
was hoping some initial discussion could be done before they are

The list is at <http://twiki.ntp.org>, in the BugzillaWishlist topic,
which can be seen (and edited) at:


Is this an OK way to proceed or is there a better mechanism for me to


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