Impressions from LinuxWorld

Vitaly Fedrushkov willy at
Sun Feb 2 09:27:55 UTC 2003

Good $daytime,

> Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 13:15:29 -0800
> From: Jim Walters <jimw at>
> To: developers at
> Subject: Impressions from LinuxWorld

> sort of a loss as to how to start collecting together a list of the
> Bugzilla supported languages and putting them on the box.

Have a look at bug 126266.  Every localized Bugzilla depends on it.

> Also, I'm I correct (I didn't promised this to anyone) in saying
> that the TT library will switch templates based on the language of
> the client browser?

Apache can do it as well, rewriting URLs according to Accept-Language:
field.  Not sure which tool is better here.  TT can be implemented
directly within Bugzilla -- but it would interfere with non-bugzilla
parts of a web server, already localized in a different fashion.

Apache specific method is cheaper, but (a) it is Apache-specific, and
(b) it deserves no more than cookbook recipe in Bugzilla Installation


No easy hope or lies        | Vitaly "Willy the Pooh" Fedrushkov
Shall bring us to our goal, | Control Systems and Processes Division
But iron sacrifice          | LUKOIL Company, Chelyabinsk Branch
Of Body, Will and Soul.     | willy at  +7 3512 620367
                  R.Kipling | VVF1-RIPE

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