Login in user without a prompt

Vijay Avarachen stalione at avarachen.net
Wed Apr 16 15:36:15 UTC 2003

    I am trying to set-up a page which users will access directly 
(without getting prompted for a login and password) and enter their 
trouble ticked in there.  This page will be customized to the product 
they are using and they won't have to worry about the various options 
that usually are presented when accessing enter_bug.cgi (these options 
will be pre-select and hidden from them).  How can I do this?  I am not 
a  perl/cgi guru and goign through the mailing list archive didn't help 
much.  We are using version 2.14.2.   My first concern is how can I get 
the user to enter_bug.cg without the password prompt.  Then I would try 
to figure out passing hidden values to the various options specific to 
the user/product.  Thanks in advance.

Vijay Avarachen

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