upgrading b.m.o; developer's release

Myk Melez myk at mozilla.org
Wed Oct 30 18:28:04 UTC 2002

Joel Peshkin wrote:

>     So you are pulling the release that goes to BMO sometime between 
> Nov 1 and Nov 8, correct?   Why not pull a controlled branch just like 
> any other stable release on Nov 1 and have any changes to the tip 
> applied to both ONLY if needed for BMO?

Well, primarily because I've never done it before, :-) but also because 
I want to stay close to the tip, and I think it's reasonable for the tip 
to freeze for stability, especially if we do a developers release at the 
same time.  (Of course, if the release took too long, a branch would 
start making more sense.)


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