Bugzilla bug tracking database for 2.5 now available.

Martin J. Bligh mbligh at aracnet.com
Fri Nov 15 15:55:08 UTC 2002

> I'm one of the core developers of Bugzilla, and just wanted to 
> say how great it is that you've started using it for the Linux 
> kernel (http://bugme.osdl.org/).

Thanks - there's actually a small team of people here doing it,
I'm just a rabble-rouser for interfacing with the Linux community, 
Jon (cc'ed) is doing the hard work of configuring Bugzilla.

> Might I suggest you set up a product (or component) for people 
> to file bugs against your Bugzilla installation in? This allows 
> you to triage them, separate out local tweak requests from more 
> general enhancements, and forward the latter on to us in 
> http://bugzilla.mozilla.org :-) You might even use Bugzilla's 
> bug moving feature for this purpose.

We did discuss creating such a category already, not sure where
that was at ... we'll probably need one eventually. The config is
still fairly embryonic at this stage - made more sense to just do 
something basic, and push it out there to see what else it needed.

> Also, are you aware of the news://news.mozilla.org/netscape.public.mozilla.webtools newsgroup? 
> It's the best place for Bugzilla advice. Particularly, I'd suggest 
> you run ideas past it before implementing any sigificant changes or
> enhancements - not because you are incapable (perish the thought), 
> but merely because we've found in the past that people who don't, 
> normally do things the obvious and hard, rather than the 
> less-obvious and asy way :-)

Nah, I actually am fairly incapable at this sort of thing ;-) 
But Jon isn't ... he'll do all that stuff, so he'll probably contact 
you directly. We want to do something wacky with versions for 
instance, if we can't see an obvious way, that might be a good thing 
to start with.
> Good luck, and let us know if there's anything we can do to help. 
> We love to get feedback on how we can make Bugzilla better.

Thanks for the support,


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