<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>(tl;dr: Bugzilla git primary is going to be github. <a href="http://git.mozilla.org">git.mozilla.org</a> for bugzilla development is going away; Useful extensions are getting their own repos.)<br></div><div><br>For a variety of reasons, the primary git repository for Bugzilla will be moving to github.<br></div><div><br></div>Our code is already on github (mirrored) but in the coming weeks we'll need to update our remotes to push to it as well. <br><br></div>As it would happen, a benefit arises from this:<br><br></div>Currently there are several very popular extensions whose canonical home is ... the bmo repo.<br></div>This is not desirable for a number of reasons:<br><br></div>1) If someone contributes an improvement (rather than a fix), that improvement has to be vetted both on the principal "is this what is best for the extension?" and *also* "Will this break bmo?"<br></div>As a result, improvements to extensions linger with very long review times (this is but one reason reviews take a long time)<br><br></div>2) It points people at the bmo repo. The BMO repo is not consumable. It's possibly (and encouraged, I think) to take ideas/code from it, but anyone trying to run it that isn't Mozilla is burdening themselves with a lot of arbitrary decisions and it will almost always end in tears.<br><br></div><div>3) Sometimes the BMO team breaks compatibility in an extension, as has happened with EditComments (as I recall).<br></div><div><br></div>4) The commit history of the extensions is littered with the rest of the commit history in BMO<br><br></div><div>Thus, since we are moving to primary git hosting to github anyway, I am going to split out (as a start)<br></div><div>InlineHistory, EditComments, and SecureMail as git repositories under <a href="https://github.com/bugzilla">https://github.com/bugzilla</a>.<br></div><div>These will be history-complete with the ones on BMO, but because of the magic of git-filter-branch the history will be useful.<br><br></div>Astute observers will note that extensively used extensions should be core'd -- included in the regular bugzilla codebase. Those observers are correct, but doing so is often a non-trivial amount of work. <br></div>