<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'>Although I don't know the too much of the internals of the app, I would be in favor of doing some minor database updates, including creating group and group_membership tables. This would be a more 'standard' approach, and should easily allow for adding users to the email queue. The drawback to this approach is anytime the user field is provided to the user, it would have to pull from two tables.<br><br><br>----- Original Message -----<br>From: "Leon KUKOVEC" <leon.kukovec@gmail.com><br>To: developers@bugzilla.org<br>Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 2:28:26 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern<br>Subject: Hi all. A concept for a feature under BugId 359251<br><br>Hi all,<br><br>My name is Leon. I'm working on a patch that will make<br>Bugzilla 'email distribution list' aware. The same has<br>been discussed under https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=359251<br><br>The idea is to use 'group membership' and regular 'user registration forms'<br>and keep the changes to the DB schema minimal or if possible,<br>avoid changes at all.<br><br>Brief concept:<br><br>Bugzilla Administration required:<br> 1. a new group 'email_list' is created to indicate that certain<br> login_names are actually an email distribution lists<br> 2. a new login_name 'group1@email.com' is created and given<br> 'email_list' group membership<br> 3. a new group 'group1@email.com' is created to function as a<br> container for all members in the list<br> 4. user 'john.doe@email.com' is granted a group membership of<br> 'group1@email.com' group, indicating he's a member of the list<br><br>Just with that, anyone can select 'group1@email.com' and add it to<br>Assignee, QA, CC or anywhere we put users. But this results<br>duplicate e-mails if the members of the 'group1@email.com' are<br>also on CC, or. To avoid that, the code-base needs to be<br>changed as described below.<br><br>Bugzilla codebase changes:<br> 1. adjust the code in a way to "unroll/resolve" the login_names<br> (e.g. group1@email.com), which are actually mailing lists,<br> to the list of login_names belonging to the group with the same name.<br> 2. when unrolled/resolved, make a union of all affected<br> login_names to remove duplicates before sending e-mail<br><br>Based on the current investigation this would have to be done in<br>whine.pl and processbug.cgi and some<br>helper method in Bugzilla::Group, etc.<br><br>Please let me know whether the described idea seems reasonable or not and<br>whether I should continue working on it or if something else is queued for<br>the BugId 359251.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br>-- <br>Best Regards,<br> Leon<br>-<br>To view or change your list settings, click here:<br><http://bugzilla.org/cgi-bin/mj_wwwusr?user=powellc@powelltechs.com><br></div></body></html>