Full legal name: Vipin Hegde<br>City, Country: San Jose, USA<br>Web Developer / DBA<br><br>Hi,<br>I'd like to help out with database-related and general administration tickets.<br><ul><li><br><ul><li> Have helped develop numerous web-based, high-traffic sites such as <a href="http://www.loanapp.com" target="_blank">www.loanapp.com</a>, <a href="http://www.bestrate.com" target="_blank">www.bestrate.com</a>; which have numerous CGI and cron-based Perl scripts for their Admin interfaces (even though the consumer-facing parts are built in non-Perl scripting languages)</li>
<li>Have also multi-tasked as MySQL / Oracle / SQL Server DBA in a few companies.<br></li></ul></li></ul>I've worked with Perl for the past 8 years, and have been using Bugzilla for almost that long too. I think it's a great tool, and would love the chance to contribute to your efforts in continuing to improve it.<br>