mozilla-webtools support

David Miller justdave at
Thu Sep 23 05:28:16 UTC 2004

As lots of people have been trying out the 2.18 release candidates, 
we've been getting a lot of traffic on mozilla-webtools, and quite 
frankly, I don't have time to reply to all of it, and I'm assuming that 
picture is the same for many of the other core developers.  There's been 
a lot of posts to mozilla-webtools going unanswered in the last couple 
weeks, and the customer support guy in me (I used to answer phone tech 
support for a living in a prior job) is absolutely hating seeing all the 
people looking for support and not getting it.

I know I've heard that many of the people who read this list 
(developers) don't read mozilla-webtools because there's too much 
traffic to keep up with, but if anyone happens to have some time on 
their hands and is pretty knowledgeable about Bugzilla, feel free to 
answer some of the posts.

Dave Miller      Project Leader, Bugzilla Bug Tracking System   

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