{Dangerous Content?} Job offer

Steven Suson suson at TuckerEnergy.com
Wed Oct 22 20:03:05 UTC 2003

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Greetings Bugzilla Developers,

    Currently my company is using Bugzilla as part of the satisfaction 
of ISO requirements. We have been using Bugzilla for many years, and 
have always found it more than equal to the job. However, due to some 
requirements of ISO, we need to extend some Bugzilla functionality. 
Currently, within our implementation of Bugzilla, we refer to "bugs" as 
ECR's (Engineering Change Requests). What we need to add is known as 
ECN's (Engineering Change Notifications). We are looking to have this 
(mostly) completed by Nov. 31st. My company will be glad to Open Source 
the results of this effort. Fee is open to negotiation.

    The underlying database changes (addition of an additional database 
of 5 relations, modeled after the bugs database, and using 4th normal 
form), have already been made. Currently a form has also been 
implemented (using format=ecn and templates) for entry. What is needed 
is a way to enter new ECN's, query the ECN's (a simplistic query form 
would be adequate), and show ECN's. Therefore the Perl backend is 
obviously needed. I am attaching the ECN entry form template. If you 
have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer.

Steven Suson
Manager, Software Engineering
Tucker Technologies, Inc.
suson at TuckerEnergy.com
918-252-5416 Ext. 131

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